Vasileios Charisopoulos

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AI & Science Postdoctoral Fellow
Data Science Institute, University of Chicago
202 Searle Chemical Laboratory, 60637 Chicago, IL
E-mail: vchariso [@] uchicago [DOT] edu

I am an AI & Science Postdoctoral Fellow at the Data Science Institute of the University of Chicago. My mentor is Rebecca Willett.

In Fall 2025, I will join the Electrical & Computer Engineering department at the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor.

Prospective students: If you are interested in working with me, make sure to apply to the UW ECE PhD program and mention my name in your application!

About me

I received my PhD in Operations Research & Information Engineering from Cornell University in 2023, where I was fortunate to be advised by Damek Davis. While at Cornell, I also collaborated with Anil Damle and Austin Benson from Cornell CS. I have been a research intern at Google Research, working on large-scale linear and quadratic programming solvers with the Algorithms and Optimization team, as well as Google Cloud, working on analytics for virtual machine scheduling. Prior to starting my PhD, I received my Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering in 2017 from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, under the supervision of Petros Maragos, and worked as a researcher in the TROPICAL team at INRIA with Xavier Allamigeon and Stephane Gaubert.

You can grab a recent copy of my CV here.

Selected talks

  • A superlinearly convergent subgradient method for sharp semismooth problems (Slides).

  • Communication-efficient distributed eigenspace estimation (Slides).


My research interests span continuous optimization, high-dimensional statistical estimation and numerical linear algebra. In the past, I have also worked on automated theorem proving and tropical geometry for machine learning.