Homework 0
This is an optional homework, meant to refresh your Python skills. Submit on Gradescope by Feb. 24th at 12pm (noon) US EST.
Download: Homework 0.
Homework 1
This is a homework on basic bash
usage. Submit on Gradescope by Monday, March 8th at 12pm (noon) US EST.
Download: Homework 1.
Solutions: Homework 1 solutions.
Homework 2
This is a homework focused on algorithms. Submit on Gradescope by Monday, March 22nd at 12pm (noon) US EST.
Download: Homework 2.
Solutions: Homework 2 solutions.
Homework 3
This homework focuses on algorithms for big data. Submit on Gradescope by Friday, April 9th at 11:59pm (midnight) US EST.
Download: Homework 3.
Solutions: Homework 3 solutions.
Some skeleton code for Problem 1 is available here, and a function for generating the prime numbers for Problem 3 is available here.
Update: Some clarifications have been added (in blue color) to the handout since Saturday, April 4th.
Homework 4
For this homework, you will have to create a private repository on Cornell's Github with documentation and unit tests
for an algorithm or data structure of your choice, and solve some simple problems using threading
and multiprocessing
Submit on Gradescope by Thursday, April 22nd Friday, April 30th at 11:59pm (midnight) US EST.
Download: Homework 4.
Solutions: Homework 4 solutions.
Homework 5
This homework consists of 2 short problems on MapReduce and a problem on SQL. Submit on Gradescope by Friday, May 14th at 11:59pm (midnight) US EDT.
Download: Homework 5.
Some start code for Problem 2 can be found here, and for the first part of Problem 3 here.